3 Weeks’ Worth – DAY 269

Here we go, another marathon post! Photos and videos included.

But first, a quick Bug update:

  • He’s exploring more and more foods every day. He’s not a fan of Stage 3 Foods… weird combo of pureed food and mushy solids I guess? He prefers he try new foods on his own, rather than us putting the food in his mouth for him. He is interested in his spoon but  would rather use it as a toy than a utensil. 😉 He’s finally tried chocolate and peanut butter (Mama Bug relaxed a little about food stuff) and lunch time seems to be the best time of day for him to try new foods.
  • Sippy cup training is much better! He is doing less messing around with the cup and more swallowing of water or watered-down juice. The warmer temperatures have made him really thirsty for the first time. He doesn’t care if the water/juice is cold but still refuses cold milk in the bottle. He won’t drink milk from the sippy cup PERIOD.
  • Bug has reverted to a morning nap, which screws up the rest of his day. So I make sure his AM naps are short, no longer than an hour, and that helps him with his PM nap and bed time. He’s done so much better about sleeping through the night! He almost always sleeps from 7pm through 5:30 or 6am.
  • Bug’s doing a great job of not getting sick but has developed seasonal allergies. We expected it as both Daddy Bug and I suffer from them every year and the tree pollen has been especially awful lately.
  • Crawling is going well… Bug’s a speed demon! We’ve begun baby-proofing and learning which rooms need their doors closed. He’s also spending a lot of time standing and playing. He’s even held his balance without support for a few seconds and is doing it longer and longer each day.
  • He’s such a good signer. He successfully signs “more” for food and recently discovered he can use the same sign to get more kisses, tickles, and trips down the slide. 🙂
  • His favorite activities include going to the park to swing, go on the slide, and screech at other children. When he plays with his blocks, he always selects the cylinders to throw (and roll) on the wood floors. He enjoys music and dancing more and more. He likes to slide the screen door back and forth and then crawls through it outside onto the deck (!) where he enjoys rearranging the chairs. His tent and splash mat/pool are his favorite backyard activities. He also likes making duck and car noises any time of day.

We went to Bug’s NICU Reunion the first week of May!

He didn’t pay attention to the puppet show, one of many kid activities they had at the reunion.

He’s gotten really good at pulling himself up into a standing position.


Standing on one foot while watching his good night videos on Youtube.

*** I can’t confirm or deny whose baby this is. ***

Playing under the table. “Yes?”


He needed a 2nd hair cut already (and is working his way to the 3rd one). Not everyone gets smooches from their hairdresser – click on the picture to see his cheeks.

Baby-proofed TV.

Tippy-toes. (He pulled himself up on the glass, wow!)

Making a diaper mess.

Waking up Aunt Lana.

Aunt Mandy invited the Shanes & Congers over for her birthday – Here are Jacob & Bug.

Owen’s in this one too! Busy boys.

Jeff took me out to Bahama Breeze on Mother’s Day.

He and Bug got me a new Pandora bracelet with a flower charm too ❤

Serious and sleepy Bug. (He’s wearing a diaper.)

Aunt Lana graduated from Temple & Pappy was able to attend (& visit with us too!)

GG came for graduation and a visit too (4 generations)

Bug was excited to have his picture taken, something we NEVER reinforce. 😉

Morning, noon, and night. It’s great. NOT!

He’s gotten much more skilled since Daddy Bug shot this.

8 thoughts on “3 Weeks’ Worth – DAY 269

  1. What a big boy he’s turning into! Sounds like we’ve been doing a lot of the same things with Wes right now too, especially the self feeding & sippy cups ( wes is stubborn abot them!) Seriously we need a play date soon!

    • Our boys are at that age, curious little explorers! Yes, please email me when you’re available… Bug and I took a trip to Easton to visit my friend Corinne and survived, so Bethlehem area will be easy!

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